Young Adults

The Religious Freedom Young Adult Network (RFYN)

Religious Freedom Young Adults Network: many hands come together to form a circle

About us

Young adults have been working in specific projects with IARF member groups since the new millennium. We seek the widest diversity of faith traditions in creating a network of young adults (ages 18-35 years) with the capacity and commitment to take action on behalf of freedom of belief.

Our Objectives

  • To gain a deeper knowledge of religious freedom issues locally, nationally and globally.
  • To become familiar with the concepts underlying article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its application to IARF’s Statement of Purpose.
  • To learn through action by creating small- and large-scale projects that enable interfaith encounter to take place, especially in areas where religious intolerance threatens religious freedom.

Our Assumptions

  • Organising and sustaining this network will engender interfaith harmony and understanding and a greater awareness of religious freedom issues.
  • Young adults will learn from these projects (in an enjoyable, rewarding setting) and will be able to impart some of the knowledge gained.
  • The presence of young adults who have gained leadership skills and knowledge about freedom of religion and belief issues, will be beneficial to the upholding of religious freedom within society.


So far, our major projects have been funded by member organisations and one trust. We are, however, seeking funding from other sources. If anyone can assist in any way with fundraising ideas or donations, however small, please contact Bro. Albert Xaviour, RFYN representative on the IARF Council, at xaveen at

What do young activists for freedom of faith & belief  do? 

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