Hong Kong Chapter ( 國際宗教自由協會香港分會 )
Visit Chapter’s Facebook page.
In May 2013, representatives from IARF Japan and IARF India introduced IARF to Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong. In 2014, IARF Hong Kong was approved as a chapter by international IARF.
IARF HK had its first activities in 2015. Our first event was a presentation about the situation of the Roman Catholic Church in mainland China. Our next activity that year was an interesting talk about Chinese Muslim groups in western China. In 2016, we hosted a presentation on the situation of the Sikhs in India. Later this year, IARF HK had a talk and discussion on the current religious and political situation in Turkey.
Although Hong Kong is part of China, IARF HK does not limit itself to just Chinese-related topics. We take a broad view of the current world situation. In 2017, IARF Hong Kong is planning to host a talk on religious freedom in Buddhist socities, especially with regards to the current dire situation in Myanmar.