Free Religion Institute

New Courses and Events at the Free Religion Institute

The Free Religion Institute launches the first course on its e-learning platform this spring, beginning with an exploration of Japanese free religion through the work of Imaoka Shin'ichirō. Led by Rev. Andrew Brown, this course examines how Imaoka's ideas shaped liberal religious thought in Japan. Following January's opening session, which…
Articles, Blog, Free Religion Institute

Happy Thanksgiving!

In the United States, it is customary to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November. Despite global challenges, there is still much to be grateful for—even as the world stands at a tipping point between hope and fear, light and darkness.This year has been fraught with…
Blog, Events, Free Religion Institute

Free Religion Institute: Inaugural Sessions

We're excited to introduce the Free Religion Institute, a new IARF initiative where people from free and liberal religious traditions can find inspiration in each other's wisdom and experiences. The Institute creates spaces for learning, sharing ideas, and exploring religious thought together. We welcome both members of different faiths and…
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