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    Congress 2023
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    101 Members
  • Profile picture of Jarek Kubacki

    Jarek Kubacki became a registered member

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    Jarek Kubacki
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  • Two days ago in the evening I was talking to Ruzbeh, with whom we went to past Congresses as well. We were sitting for a drink in the Carolina Square of the city center. He is a great fellow to be around, trust me on that 🙂
    At one point he said something very interesting to me:
    At the last two Congresses, we rented convention/conference centers in Birmingham and Washington, DC, which are places literally designed for conferences and congresses like ours. Great, professional venues, yet, he has a different feeling now, in the Unitarian High School, somehow that IARF is home, it is in a place than he can feel that he and the organization belongs to. Inside a building that really cultivates on an everyday basis the shared values of IARF. I think he expressed something that I felt somewhere in my soul, but didn’t vocalize: You came home!

    I truly hope your homestay was pleasant and you enjoyed your time here! We are sorry if some things did not match your expectations, we usually settle these issues with a couples of glasses of pálinka over here. Eastern Europe, after all 🙂
    But truly, I’m so thankful for every encounter that we had during the last couple of days. Meaningful conversations, humorous people, cultural and spiritual experiences, wanderings in the city, food and drinks, panels and answered questions, music and prayer, all of this stirred up into a beautiful Congress!

    Thank you, thank you!
    Looking forward to meeting with you in any part of the world!
    Blessings and love,

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    • I totally agree with the observation about feeling at home in the Unitarian Academy building in Cluj as venue for the 36th IARF Congress! Of course, friendly and helpful people like Zsolt and his crew contributed greatly to this warm family atmosphere!

    • Dear Zsolt,
      In all the hustle and bustle I didn’t have a chance to say a proper goodbye and and a proper thank you. My apologies that I respond only now, but the travelling, a flue and then trying to catch up with many things after a few days of absence have put me in a state of chaos – creative chaos, I hope. It is true that your hospitality has surpassed my expectations, our expectations, which had already been very high after working with you online for a few months, and you – your team – have made it an awsome event. I hope we will collaborate on many projects in the future, both online and perhaps again in Kolozsvar, or other places in Europe and beyond, and I’m hopeful for the future of the IARF – and the HUC’s place in it.
      You must have had a tough week too – with the beginning of the school year and all the other things you’re involved in. May God bless you and allow you to chill out a bit : )
      Warmest regards,

  • For you who are travelling today: have a safe journey and I hope that the happy memories of this congress will stay with you for a long time. I would like to make a request : many will write reports of the congress to share with their organizations or church magazines. I think they would make good reading and provide an insight in the diversity within IARF. Would you please share them here or provide a link?

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  • Profile picture of Vaishali-Patel

    Vaishali-Patel became a registered member

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  • Profile picture of Abhay-Soni

    Abhay-Soni became a registered member

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  • Profile picture of Lajos Lorinczi

    Lajos Lorinczi became a registered member

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    Lajos Lorinczi
  • Profile picture of Abier-Abd-Al-Daim

    Abier-Abd-Al-Daim became a registered member

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  • Profile picture of Max Wäldele

    Max Wäldele became a registered member

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    Max Wäldele
  • On the subject of Art and Reconciliation (Esther Suter’s current subject), also check out the art of Romanian artist Liviu Moçan, who made the Religious Freedom monument in Torda.

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  • Dear Congress members!

    In order to organize the travel for tomorrow’s departure’s, the HUC offers our minivan, which would leave from the schoolyard and transport participants to the airport. Please fill in the next document, so we can plan the departure’s with our driver. You would only need to write the name’s of the guests in the allocated spots. The minivan has 8 places and will leave the schoolyard on an hourly basis. I would need the details by today 22:00, so I can plan accordingly, the document will not be available after 22:00.
    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CuwvZqSrggRNtabogrUPYr7nMEvqVTQ0qbuTxXYN_gE/edit #gid=0

    Thank you, we’ll surely be sad to see you leave! Although it is not over yet, we had a great Congress, I believe, everybody’s contribution was meaningful and we had the best conversations, panels, small encounters. You will be greatly missed!

    Until next time,
    With love,

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