Pakistan Chapter’s Peace Day Celebration

Briefly about IARF Pakistan: IARF Pakistan strives to promote peace and harmony among Islam and minority religions, including many Christians, Bahai, Sikh and others. Bahai and Sikh have proper relations and coexist well with Muslims, but there are tensions between the Muslim and Christian communities. We organize peace meetings with representatives of all faiths to discuss and promote tolerance […]
Independence Day Event in Pakistan

Briefly about IARF Pakistan: IARF Pakistan strives to promote peace and harmony among Islam and minority religions, including many Christians, Bahai, Sikh and others. Bahai and Sikh have proper relations and coexist well with Muslims, but there are tensions between the Muslim and Christian communities. We organize peace meetings with representatives of all faiths to discuss and promote […]
Side Events at UN HRC 2014
Two events organised by IARF at the 25th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), March 2014 Side Event ‘Rise of Religious Intolerance’ Monday, 10 March 2014 – 2:00 to 4:00 PM Room XXV, Palais des Nations, Geneva UN HRC Side Event ‘Rise of Religious Intolerance’ – Flyer (PDF, 1 page) Discussion on the rise of […]
First Pakistan HRE trainings
Human Rights Education training@Sargodha, Pakistan 27 – 28 September 2013 Participants: Muslim, Christian and Baha’i youth Photos (both days) ; 28th Human Rights Education training@Sādiqābād, Punjab, Pakistan 9 – 10 November 2013 Participants: Muslim and Christian Photos – 9th ; 10th On both occasions, the message was “Respect the Human, and Religion”. IARF’s India-produced training docu-dramas were screened, […]
Pakistan Chapter – Hiroshima & Nagasaki Peace Exhibition 2012
For Hiroshima Day 2012 (6 August)Sargodha, Pakistan As a contribution to awareness-raising on nuclear issues in the 2012 approach to the annual international remembrance day for the atomic holocaust, our Pakistan chapter launched an awareness-raising exhibition in its home city of Sargodha, titled ‘Never again Hiroshima, Nagasaki never again‘. Guests at the opening, which took place […]
Pakistan Chapter: Interfaith in Youth IARF Cricket Gala 2012
Interfaith Cricket MatchEid-Ghah grounds, Sargodha8 June 2012 This was a floodlit night match with young Muslim, Baha’i and Christians participants, reported in the Daily Aftab and its Sunday magazine. As a boundary wall, banners were hung that carried texts about peace and harmony between religions. Please see photos here (link to Picasa) Interfaith in Youth is a program […]
International Day of Peace Vigil 2008 in Pakistan
21 September 2008End Time Message Church, Sargodha Report (PDF illustrated, 5 pages) View slideshow (external link)