Hiroshima Day 2012 remembrance event, Mysore

  @ Sri Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar Auditorium, Senate Bhavan, Manasagangotri,  Mysore, India 9 August 2012   Reports of the event in the national press: When miseries rained on two Japanese cities A-bomb attack survivor calls for nuclear-free world ‘The roof of our house was blown away’   Local press reports: [nggallery id=27]   See also the related […]

Chennai remembrance on Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 2012

International Peace Symposium Organised jointly by the Department of Human Rights & Duties Education of Ethiraj College for Women, and IARF-SACC-RFYN, Chennai. Mr. Hiroo Iso, an official Hiroshima survivor (Hibakusha), landed in Chennai, India on 10th August 2012… The program is part of a tour of Mr. Iso in India organised by the Hiroshima Peace […]